Juno's Encounter with Jupiter!

On July 5, 2016 the Juno spacecraft entered orbit around the giant planet Jupiter. Here are a few resources that feature this historic event! More will follow as its exciting science data is released

  • Juno Math: Exploring Jupiter's Polar Regions Students use simple proportions to compare the resolutions of the cameras used in NASA missions to photograph Jupiter and its Polar Regions. [Grade: 6-8 | Topics: proportions; unit conversions] (Problem and answer key).

  • Juno Math: Exploring the Orbit of Juno Students use the Standard Formula for an ellipse to study the elliptical orbit of the Juno spacecraft. [Grade: 9-12 | Topics: formula for an ellipse; semi-major and minor axis] (Problem and answer key).

  • Juno Math: Exploring JunoCam Students calculate the maximum resolution of the JunoCam using a simple formula relating its aperture size and wavelength. [Grade: 8-10 | Topics: formula in two variables; unit conversion; angular measure] (Problem and answer key).

  • Juno Math: Exploring Jupiter's Gravitational Field Students investigate how spacecraft orbits can be used to measure the mass of Jupiter as well as determine how their interior mass is distributed using satellite altitude and speed variations.[Grade: 9-12 | Topics: Newtons Law of Gravity; acceleration; speed; distance] (Problem and answer key).

  • Problem 472: Investigating Juno's Elliptical Transfer Orbit Students use the Standard Formula for an ellipse to study the elliptical orbit of the Juno spacecraft, and relate specific properties of the ellipse to features of the spacecrafts trajectory such as aphelion, perihelion, and ellipticity. [Grade: 9-12 | Topics: formula for an ellipse; semi-major and minor axis] (Problem and answer key).

  • Problem 471: Investigating the Launch of the Juno Spacecraft Students use a series of images from a launch video to determine the scale of each image and determine the speed of the rocket as it leaves the gantry. [Grade: 6-8 | Topics: scale models; speed = distance/times] (Problem and answer key).

  • Problem 470: The Launch of the Juno Spacecraft - Ascent to orbit Students use tabulated altitude and range data following the launch of the Juno mission, to determine the speed of the rocket as it travels to arth orbit. [Grade: 6-8 | Topics: scale models; speed = distance/time] (Problem and answer key).

  • Problem 469: Solar Energy and the Distance of Juno from the Sun Students use the formula for an ellipse, along with the inverse-square law to create a mathemartical model that predicts the declining solar power produced by Junos solar panels as the spacecraft travels from Earth to Jupiter. [Grade: 9-12 | Topics: algebra; trigonometry; distance formula] (Problem and answer key).
  • Introducing SpaceMath@NASA

    SPACEMATH: The 'M' in STEM education for science and math educators.

    SpaceMath@NASA introduces students to the use of mathematics in today's scientific discoveries. Through press releases and other articles, we explore how many kinds of mathematics skills come together in exploring the universe. [Press Release]

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