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Arkansas Department of Human Services

Division of Aging and Adult Services
For Seniors | For Adults with Physical Disabilities

(To learn even more about the programs listed below, click on the program name.) 

For Seniors

Adult Protective Services
- Aging is a natural process, abuse is not. In spite of the headway that has been made in explaining how and why elder abuse occurs, it still remains a poorly understood problem in our state. No simple definition can encompass its many aspects. Elder mistreatment may be an act of commission (abuse) or omission (neglect). It may be an intentional act, that is, a conscious attempt to inflict suffering, or it may be unintentional because of inadequate knowledge, infirmity, or laziness on the part of the person responsible. Now is the time to stop it…Stop ignoring the abuse and neglect….You can make a difference!

Arkansas SMP – Empowering Seniors to Prevent Healthcare Fraud - The Administration on Aging (AoA), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has developed a program to help consumers understand more about healthcare fraud.  It involves recruiting retired persons to teach Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries to recognize and report healthcare fraud.

Assisted Living Choices - The Assisted Living Federation of America defines Assisted Living as a special combination of housing, supportive services, personalized assistance and healthcare designed to respond to the individual needs of those who need help with activities of daily living. Supportive services are available, 24 hours a day, to meet scheduled and unscheduled needs, in a way that promotes maximum dignity and independence for each resident and involves the resident's family, neighbors and friends.  Click HERE for Your Guide to Medicaid Estate Recovery in Arkansas (PDF).

ARChoices in Homecare - Welcome to ARChoices in Homecare, a Medicaid program that includes home and community-based services for adults ages 21 through 64 with a physical disability and seniors age 65 or older. These services can offer help doing everyday activities that you may no longer be able to do for yourself like bathing, dressing, getting around your home, preparing meals, or doing household chores. Click HERE for Your Guide to Medicaid Estate Recovery in Arkansas (PDF).

IndependentChoices - IndependentChoices is a special program in Arkansas that gives you the opportunity to direct your care at home, by providing a monthly allowance in place of "Personal Care Services." The results of the project are shaping home services now and into the future. To apply for Independent Choices please call 1-866-710-0456. For more information about the program please contact us at 1-844-581-6018.

Long Term Care Ombudsman - The mission of the Arkansas Ombudsman Program is to assure that long term care facility residents have the right to live their lives harmoniously and with dignity, feeling free to voice complaints or concerns without reprisal. 

The Ombudsman strives to be a trusted advocate for all residents by educating them regarding their rights; empowering residents to speak for themselves; while providing advocacy for those without a voice.

Through regular visitations the Ombudsman seeks to enhance the quality of life for long term care residents by the investigation of complaints and interacting with both residents and staff to facilitate the resolution of the problems.

Money Follows the Person - The Arkansas Money Follows the Person application will transition 305 individuals who have resided in institutions 90 days or longer into qualified home and community-based programs. The following populations residing in nursing homes and ICF-MRs will be served: Individuals with developmental disabilities/mental retardation; individuals with mental illness; individuals 19 to 64 with physical disabilities; and individuals age 65+.

Senior Community Service Employment Program - The Senior Community Service Employment Program is a part-time program for low-income persons age 55 and over who have poor employment prospects.  Program participants receive assignments at community and government agencies and are paid the Federal or State  minimum wage, whichever is higher.  Participants may also receive assistance in developing job search skills and in locating a permanent job.  Participants are placed in non-profit or public service type host agencies.  They receive on-the-job training and work experience.  During their training, participants work with their local Employment and Training Coordinator to achieve permanent part time or full time unsubsidized employment either at their host agency or with other employment sources in their area.  Some of the benefits participants receive while in the program are:  temporary paid work experience; improvement of marketable skills; development of new skills and an opportunity to establish a current work history.

The Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program - (SFMNP) is a USDA funded program that provides low income seniors (60+) with coupons that can be exchanged for locally grown eligible foods (fruit, vegetables, honey, and fresh cut herbs) at participating farmer’s markets and roadside stands. 
In Arkansas the SFMNP is available in nine counties of northwest Arkansas, as follows:  Benton, Carroll, Boone, Marion, Baxter, Washington, Madison, Newton, and Searcy. To enroll in the SFMNP a person must be age 60 or older, live in one of the participating counties, and have an income level within 185% of the poverty level.
For information on enrollment contact the Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Arkansas at 1-870-741-1144.
State contact person: Beverly Dunlap 501-320-6575

Related links:
USDA Nondiscrimination Statement 

For Adults with Physical Disabilities

Adult Protective Services - Aging is a natural process, abuse is not. In spite of the headway that has been made in explaining how and why elder abuse occurs, it still remains a poorly understood problem in our state. No simple definition can encompass its many aspects. Elder mistreatment may be an act of commission (abuse) or omission (neglect). It may be an intentional act, that is, a conscious attempt to inflict suffering, or it may be unintentional because of inadequate knowledge, infirmity, or laziness on the part of the person responsible. Now is the time to stop it…Stop ignoring the abuse and neglect….You can make a difference!

ARChoices in Homecare - Welcome to ARChoices in Homecare, a Medicaid program that includes home and community-based services for adults ages 21 through 64 with a physical disability and seniors age 65 or older. These services can offer help doing everyday activities that you may no longer be able to do for yourself like bathing, dressing, getting around your home, preparing meals, or doing household chores. Click HERE for Your Guide to Medicaid Estate Recovery in Arkansas (PDF).

Employment for Arkansans with Disabilities - Learn about options for employment, programs and services to help you work, and how working affects disability benefits.

IndependentChoices - IndependentChoices is a special program in Arkansas that gives you the opportunity to direct your care at home, by providing a monthly allowance in place of "Personal Care Services." The results of the project are shaping home services now and into the future. To apply for Independent Choices please call 1-866-710-0456. For more information about the program please contact us at 1-844-581-6018.

Long Term Care Ombudsman - The mission of the Arkansas Ombudsman Program is to assure that long term care facility residents have the right to live their lives harmoniously and with dignity, feeling free to voice complaints or concerns without reprisal. 

The Ombudsman strives to be a trusted advocate for all residents by educating them regarding their rights; empowering residents to speak for themselves; while providing advocacy for those without a voice.

Through regular visitations the Ombudsman seeks to enhance the quality of life for long term care residents by the investigation of complaints and interacting with both residents and staff to facilitate the resolution of the problems.

Money Follows the Person - The Arkansas Money Follows the Person application will transition 305 individuals who have resided in institutions 90 days or longer into qualified home and community-based programs. The following populations residing in nursing homes and ICF-MRs will be served: Individuals with developmental disabilities/mental retardation; individuals with mental illness; individuals 19 to 64 with physical disabilities; and individuals age 65+.

DHS Division of Aging and Adult Services | P.O. Box 1437 - Slot S-530 | Little Rock, AR 72203-1437 | 501.682.2441 | eMail
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