U.S. Department of Energy

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Data Intensive Computing

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The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is a leader in the international scientific community for defining how to capture, manage, analyze and understand data at volumes and rates that push the frontiers of current technologies. To address these challenges, PNNL created a world-leading research program in Data Intensive Computing.

DIC is characterized by problems where data is the primary challenge, whether it is the complexity, size, or rate of the data acquisition. As the number of emerging scientific and national security problems continues to grow, so do our advancements in software and hardware architectures, analytics and visualization. We invite you to explore how PNNL is accelerating the speed of scientific discovery, decision support and threat detection across multiple disciplines.

The big-data challenge: transform terabytes and petabytes of streaming data into information that enables vital discoveries and timely decisions.
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Last Update: 13 July 2011 | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory