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Offline Energy Calculation Tables


The links below point to ascii summary tables of the offline energy calculation run per run.


Last update of this page (and links) -- Fri Dec 15 20:31:25 CST 2000

Final Table
This table summarizes the final offline energy calculation data.
Note that the column format is different from the one used during the data taking. For a back compatible format see below.
Column description:

 1. stack number
 2. resonance name
 3. run number
 4. nominal energy: in MeV
 5. integrated luminosity: in nb-1, from the Luminosity Home Page
 6. instantaneous luminosity: in 1031 cm-2s-1, from the Luminosity Home Page
 7. energy: in MeV, calculated from dL (BPMs + Lattice), the revolution frequency
            and eta (see S.Werkema's PB633)
 8. sigma beam: in MeV, calculated as the energy.
 9. AbsErr: in KeV, considering:
            the error on the reference orbit from the error on the
             PDG psip mass = 0.6 mm (PB633 eq (6))
            the statistical error on dL due to the BPMs = 1 mm
             (overestimated in PB633 p.2)
            therefore the errors on dL are:
            1.2mm for the orbits calculated from the psip reference orbit
            1.5mm for the orbits calculated from the chi1 and 1p1 reference orbit
10. RelErr: in KeV, due to the statistical error on the BPMs only i.e. 1mm;
            this error has to be used in the determination of a resonce width 
11. start_date: Central Standard Time
12. start_time
13. stop_date
14. stop_time

Final Table Back Compatible Column Format

Exactly the same information as in the "Final Table" in the old format.
Useful if you have programs that refer to this format to gather information.

Columns (same description as above):

 1. stack
 2. resonance
 3. start_date
 4. run
 5. nomin.energy
 6. integ.lum.
 7. inst.lum.
 8. energy
 9. sigmabeam
10. AbsErr
11. RelErr
12. start_time
13. stop_date
14. stop_time

Old Calculation Table
It's here for comparison with the final one. This table was last updated on Oct 27, 2000 and refers to the energies calculated during the data taking using the psip stack 1 scan as reference orbit

Columns (same description as above):

 1. stack
 2. resonance
 3. start_date
 4. run
 5. nomin.energy
 6. integ.lum.
 7. inst.lum.
 8. energy
 9. sigmabeam


useful links:

E835 Home Page

Luminosity Home Page
Pbar Electronic logbook

Beam Ecm spectum files run per run and table of statisctics.
Energy Calculation detailed files run per run.
Acnet event and int. lum. (every /e835/people/2 min) association table run per run.

E835 Y2K Final Offline energy calculation stack per stack

E835 Y2K OLD Offline energy calculation stack per stack

E835 96/97 run: Offline energy calculation stack per stack

Maintained by Gabriele Garzoglio.
Comments, problems or questions -- please send mail.