Berkeley Lab Berkeley Lab A-Z Index Phone Book Jobs Search DOE


Improving buildings, greening the energy grid, and low-carbon commutes


Scope 1 & 2 GHG Emissions: Performance Against Goal

Reduce 50% by 2025 (baseline 2008)

Manage Energy Use

Maintaining a rigorous process to correct building operation and identify energy waste based on ISO 50001

Drive an EV or Use Alternate Transport

Replace travel with Teleconference

Close Your Fume Hoods

Manage your Freezer

Purchase Electronics Smartly


Improve Existing Buildings

Implementing efficiency retrofits and repairs that achieve deep energy savings and improve operability

Design Efficient New Buildings

Building new buildings that achieve exemplary energy performance while enhancing scientific mission

Streamline Laboratory Processes

Partnering with scientists and staff in labs to close fume hoods, efficiently operate freezers, control plug loads, and recycle waste (Labwise)

Increase Renewable Energy

Accessing renewable power and supporting a smarter electric grid

Promote Low-Carbon Commutes

Supporting staff electric vehicle charging and low-impact commute alternatives

Cultivate a Living Laboratory

Partnering across the Lab to build research opportunities that also support sustainability goals


Learn more in The Lab’s Energy and Water Management Plan

Find an Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station at the Lab

Keep tabs on The Lab’s EV Charging Activity

Check out Commuting Alternatives & Resources