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Campaign: Everyday Green Tips

Ban the single-use plastic bag

Around the country and around the world, from Aspen, Colorado to Seattle, Washington to Delhi, India, communities are making a choice and banning single-use plastic grocery bags. Reducing these single-use items can decrease our resource consumption and energy use. In 2009, the United States used 102 billion plastic bags, an enormous amount of fossil fuel resources were required to make those bags which consume extravagant ...more »

Submitted by


131 votes

Campaign: Protecting America’s Waters

Stop Providing Bottled Water at events and meetings

If we start requesting people to bring their own reusable bottles of water if they need water this will save money and the environment. Just for convenience bottled water is being served at every events and meetings. I am organizing an event Earthday@Loudoun Family Festival and we decided not to provide it. We'll have water to fill up reusable bottles and bottles to give away if people need it.

Submitted by


119 votes

Campaign: Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism and Working for Environmental Justice

Stop using styrofoam lunch trays in all USA schools!

School districts all across the USA are serving school food on Styrofoam (also known as polystyrene) lunch trays. These trays, composed of the chemicals styrene and benzene, are used for about 30 minutes only, then most commonly incinerated or transported to landfills where they take up an enormous amount of space. In New York City alone, 850,000 Styrofoam trays are used per day, which are exported to out of state to ...more »

Submitted by


106 votes

Campaign: Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism and Working for Environmental Justice


MAKE RECYCLING MANDATORY IN AMERICA. My town recycles yet all of the property managed buildings do not. How can we fight to make people recycle world wide? Our trash consumption is ludacris.. help EPA, I am currently going to school for a degree in Environmental studies, so I hope to join you in the fight to save our Earth..

Submitted by


63 votes

Campaign: Everyday Green Tips

Lunchbox Project

Ordering lunch to-go in your own, reusable container (like Tupperware) can prevent a ton of plastic waste from ending up in landfills, gutters, and the ocean. 93% of plastic in the U.S. is NOT recycled, but rather ends up in the landfill. The Lunchbox Project is simple and effortless. Leave a reusable container at the office and there’s no forgetting. The Lunchbox Project promotes your local economy by encouraging people ...more »

Submitted by


55 votes

Campaign: Protecting America’s Waters

Stop Fracking!

Hydraulic fracturing uses a ton of the public water supply and laces it with chemicals that fracture the rock in order to capture the gas. As much as 40% of this chemical/water mixture is lost, leaving it to seep into the ground where it travels into the aquifer, contaminating the groundwater supply, harming wildlife and aquatic life, and potentially harming humans. According to the EPA, 70 to 140 billion gallons of ...more »

Submitted by


52 votes

Campaign: Everyday Green Tips

5 Things to operate your car eco-friendly

Five easy and quick ways to make sure your car runs a little more eco-friendly! 1. Proper tire inflation. Keeping your tires properly inflated will allow your car to track down the road evenly and safely. Less drag from under inflated tires. 2. Clean filters. Change your air filter and fuel filters at regular intervals. Your engine needs clean air to breathe and clean gas to burn. Efficiency comes from both. 3. Run ...more »

Submitted by


31 votes

Campaign: Taking Action on Climate Change

Build & Operate Buildings GREEN, Everyone Profit$

Buidlings account for ~ 40% of CO2 emissions & 72% of electrical consumption in the US ! All existing buildings, especially Federal buildings should be benchmarked with EnergyStar and be operated to meet at least a rating of 75. Then the building operators should keep on improving the EnergyStar rating , New buildings should designed to meet an EnergyStar rating of at least 80, with the help of Target Finder. It’s ...more »

Submitted by


30 votes

Campaign: Everyday Green Tips

Encouraging Bike to Work

My number one reason for cycling to work is that it’s fun. My route includes a long stretch of a bike trail nestled above the Potomac river, where instead of a crowded metro car or traffic I enjoy early morning scenes of mist rising off the water, local crew teams gliding in rhythm to the “stroke, stroke, stroke” of the coxswain, and the occasional glimpse of a beaver or other critter. But there are plenty of other ...more »

Submitted by


30 votes

Campaign: Protecting America’s Waters

Composting Toilets for Large Public Buildings

Such as airports, sports arenas, etc. We could use so much less water if the EPA would encourage large public venues/buildings with high volume traffic to use composting toilets. If you're near Atlanta, you can come see what these are like at Sweetwater Creek State Park, whose Visitor Center has composting toilets and was the first LEED Platinum certified building in the Southeast.

Submitted by


25 votes

Campaign: Taking Action on Climate Change


What if Global Warming and Severe Climate Changes could be reduced and ultimately eliminated? What if soil erosion could be reversed and unusable agricultural land could be reclaimed? What if crop production could be increased 20% and germination of seeds accelerated. What if landfills were no longer needed for any organic waste? What if by increasing soil carbon we could emit 336 TRILLION fewer kg of carbon in the form ...more »

Submitted by


22 votes

Campaign: Expanding the Conversation on Environmentalism and Working for Environmental Justice

Changing The US Environmental Foreign Policy

Background/ History For much of United States history, Environmental Policy was unheard of. When Roosevelt was President in the 1930s, he put many New Deal Programs into place, one of which included conservation programs to help restore forests and rebuild places that had experienced economic and ecological collapse. However, it wasn’t until 1962, when Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring was written, a book that explained the ...more »

Submitted by


20 votes

Campaign: Improving Air Quality

Make Background Radiation & Radon Progeny Maps Available.

After Fukushima, we invested in some measuring gear, and have been surprised by what we see. As a layman, have taken a number of roadside readings over a significant swath in my travels in Colorado and Wyoming, and the observations suggest a couple widespread issues: 1) apparently elevated background radiation; 2) radioactive isotopes being deposited on surfaces by rainwater (and likely inhaled in moist rain air). The ...more »

Submitted by


17 votes

Campaign: Improving Air Quality

Proposal: Measure air quality in known traffic bottleneck areas

What effect does traffic congestion have on the environment. Automogile emissions are measurable, I propose a study to measue the effects in known conjested highways (and highway intersections , find the peek rush hours, coordinate ariel photos to count motor vehicles passing through target areas, and lastly report and revisit. Make suggestions for improvement.

Submitted by


16 votes

Campaign: Improving Air Quality

Socal Green Taxi Program

GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES First duty is to offer proper and suitable advice to each contracted client. For a CNG Conversion Kit as approved by the EPA & CARB. Promote sustainability programs and services to local & county based Taxi & Ground Transportation businesses as an advocate resource. Develop and coordinate the successful transition needs of each business and customer as they are introduced to all alternative fuel ...more »

Submitted by


16 votes

Campaign: Protecting America’s Waters

Pass the FRAC Act

I have a real issue with the lack of regulation regarding the extreme extraction method known as hydraulic fracturing. Why is this exempt from Clean Water, Clean Air & Safe Drinking Water Acts? Why is the BLM allowing the extraction of our national resources for export? Why is the EPA not inisisting Congress pass the FRAC Act? Will the EPA be commenting on the proposed rule changes regarding hydrualic fracturing? I ...more »

Submitted by


12 votes

Displaying 1 - 25 of 151 Ideas