Adult Vocational Training Program

PO Box 2507 Whiteriver AZ, 85941

928-338-5800 Fax: 929-338-1869

The overall mission of the White Mountain Apache Tribe – Adult Vocational Training (AVT) Program is to provide eligible tribal students with advisement, financial assistance, and placement in vocational training to pursue and obtain their certificates/diplomas.  The AVT Program’s goal is for the recipients to ?  gainful employment on and off the White Mountain Apache Reservation.

All students must complete and turn in the following documents:

  1. WMAT Adult Vocational Training application.
  2. Copy of Free Application for Federal Student Aid(FASFA/Pell Grant).
  3. Tribal Affidavit of enrollment for the White Mountain Apache Tribe.
  4. Letter of Admission of accredited vocational technical institution.
  5. Official high school transcripts or GED Certificate or scores.
  6. ASSET/COMPASS test.
  7. Official transcript from last college, university, or voc. Technical school you attended.
  8. Financial Needs Analysis(FNA) completed by voc. Technical school.
  9. Student Aid Report(SAR).


  1. Unskilled adults
  2. Long-term unemployed and underemployed adults


The applicant must:


1. Be an enrolled member of the White Mountain Apache Tribe
2. Eligible individuals must be at least 18 – 35 year of age, except the
High school graduates shall be eligible at the age of 17 years.
3. Be a high school graduate or have earned a GED certificate.
4. Be admitted for admission to an accredited institution for vocational Technical institution.
5. An individual shall reside on or near the White Mountain Apache Reservation and determined a need for employment of training services.
6. The selection of applicants shall be made without regard to sex.
7. Demonstrate financial need as determined by Financial Aid Officer of the post-secondary institution based on the student’s FAFSA application.

Adult Vocational Training Program will not exceed 24 months and not lest than 6 months.  There are no deadline dates to submit applications for the AVT Program but student’s file must be complete before any review are made on applications is made.

Tribal Email © 2014 White Mountain Apache Tribe (928) 338-4346
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