
The Regional Ecosystem Office is tasked to facilitate decision-making and prompt interagency issue resolution during the implementation of the Northwest Forest Plan. Current goals of reo.gov are:

  • To provide continuity of service for related interagency work.
  • To provide access to REO documents and data.

Featured Pages

So many pages. Here are a few:

Data and Reports

Compiled REO data and documents are available in several formats.

Papers and Presentations

Explore the document library for key policy documents.

Maps and Data

Assorted print-quality maps can be found from the map page. The purposes of these maps were varied, including:

  • Highlighting restoration activities completed by agencies in relation to activities by other agencies.
  • Sharing information and support project coordination across agencies, watershed councils, and the public.
  • Identifying related issues which affect species and habitats.

Less-prepared data is available in the map page.

Contact Information

Mailing address

Regional Ecosystem Office
1220 SW 3rd Ave, PO Box 3890, 16th floor
Portland, OR 97208

Regional Ecosystem Office Representatives

USFS Region 6 Jessica Rubado 503-808-2902 jrubado@fs.fed.us

USFS PNW Research Station Becky Gravenmier 503-808-2851 bgravenmier@fs.fed.us

BLM OR/WA George McFadden 503-808-6107 gmcfadde@blm.gov

EPA Teresa Kubo 503-326-2859 kubo.teresa@epamail.epa.gov

NPS Tonnie Cummings 360-816-6201 tonnie_cummings@nps.gov