Elder Justice Initiative (EJI)

Elder Justice Initiative (EJI)

Report Abuse or Find Help
Report Abuse or Find Help
Victims, Families, & Caregivers
Find help for an abused adult, and signs of elder abuse and financial exploitation


The US Department of Justice is fully engaged on the issue of elder abuse and financial exploitation. This page summarizes the ways in which various components within the Department play a critical role in combatting harms against older adults.

Promoting Justice

Promoting Justice for Older Americans

  • Investigating and prosecuting financial scams targeting or disproportionately impacting seniors
  • Pursuing nursing homes that provide grossly substandard care to seniors
  • Promoting greater federal, state and local coordination to combat elder abuse


Helping Victims

Helping Older Victims & Their Families

  • Providing direct assistance to older victims
  • Connecting older victims and their families with available resources, information and services
  • Developing and disseminating resources to enhance the ability of service providers to respond to the needs of older victims


Training and Resources

Enhancing State & Local Efforts Through Training & Resources

  • Providing training to professionals in the field
  • Supporting the development of training and resources to enhance the ability of professionals (including prosecutors, law enforcement, judges, victim specialists, and civil legal aid employees) to respond to elder abuse
  • Promoting greater coordination among professionals through resources for multidisciplinary teams



Supporting Research


Supporting Research to Improve Elder Abuse Policy & Practice  

  • Foundational research to increase our understanding of elder abuse and financial exploitation
  • Critical research to prevent elder abuse and financial exploitation from happening in the first place
  • Focused research to improve the practice of professionals in ways that optimally benefit older victims



Elder Justice Initiative logo


The mission of the Elder Justice Initiative is to support and coordinate the Department’s enforcement and programmatic efforts to combat elder abuse, neglect and financial fraud and scams that target our nation’s seniors.  The Initiative is also committed to supporting state and local efforts to combat elder abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation through training, resources, and information.