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FSL's Large Scale Linux Cluster: Successes and Lessons Learned

Leslie Hart, Joan Brundage, Lee Cohen, Ed Moxley, Glen Pankow, Craig Tierney, and Jon Wood

In September 1999, FSL awarded its High Performance Computing System (HPCS) contract to High Performance Technologies Incorporated (HPTi). Since that time, there have been successes as well as challenges. Some of the challenges that will be discussed are I/O performance on a large cluster, batch systems and accounting, and reliability. Since the HPCS is a resource to users outside FSL, user support and project reviews will be discussed as well. Finally, the technology of the system will be discussed as well as projections regarding the final upgrade (due July 2002).

BIO - Leslie HartPIcture of Leslie Hart

BS Texas A & M University, 1979
MS University of Colorado at Denver, 1985
Leslie has been with FSL for 10 years, previously with Lockheed Palo Alto Research Labs and NASA Ames Research Center.

Conference Center - Paper
Wednesday - 11:00 - 11:30 A.M.

Publication of the NOAA Office of the CIO/High Performance Computing and Communications
Last Updated: 09/27/01
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