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Tax History Project

The 100th Anniversary of the Income Tax

Tax Analysts takes a reflective look back on the 100th anniversary of the income tax.

A Public Service of Tax Analysts

Welcome to the Tax History Project, a public service initiative from Tax Analysts. Established in 1995, the Project provides scholars, policymakers, journalists, and the general public with information on the history of U.S. public finance.

Regular Features

Tax History Museum
A virtual museum of American tax history.

The Price of Civilization
An in-depth study of American taxation during the Great Depression and World War II.

Presidential Tax Returns
Copies of the tax returns filed by various American presidents, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, and George W. Bush.

Taxing Federalism
Selected readings from the Federalist Papers, including every major discussion of the Constitution's power to tax.

Image Gallery
Cartoons, posters, and other images from the history of U.S. taxation.

Article Archive
Research, analysis, and commentary on tax history and contemporary tax debates.