GLMRIS: Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study
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Brandon Road

As a next step in the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS), the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Civil Works) has directed the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) to proceed with a formal evaluation of potential aquatic nuisance species (ANS) control technologies. On April 6, 2015, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District, initiated the GLMRIS Brandon Road Study. It is estimated to cost an additional $8.2 million and take up to 46 months to complete a report. View the project management plan 3.3 MB.

The GLMRIS - Brandon Road effort will assess the viability of establishing a single point to control the one-way, upstream transfer of aquatic nuisance species from the Mississippi River basin into the Great Lakes basin near the Brandon Road Lock and Dam located in Joliet, Illinois.

Map showing GLMRIS - Brandon Road Study Area
Download PDF Map 3.4 MB

The GLMRIS Report, released in January 2014, describes alternatives to prevent aquatic inter-basin transfer of ANS between the Great Lakes and Mississippi River watersheds. Implementation of one-way ANS controls near the Brandon Road site is believed to be one of the most rapidly achievable structural options. Construction of one-way ANS controls near Brandon Road is expected to enhance protections for the Great Lakes basin while providing additional information to inform two-way risk reduction solutions.

USACE is scoping the development of a feasibility-level decision document to support an agency decision that could provide the basis for further possible action. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), an environmental impact statement (EIS) will be developed concurrently with the technical evaluations of possible controls at the Brandon Road site.

Scoping Summary Report

The GLMRIS Team has released the GLMRIS - Brandon Road, EIS, Scoping Summary Report 1.2 MB. A public comment period on the GLMRIS - Brandon Road effort ran from November 17, 2014 through January 30, 2015. USACE sought input and gathered concerns, issues, and needs related to the study from stakeholders, tribes, and the public through the NEPA scoping process. You can browse all the comments received during the scoping period on the Scoping Comments page.

Public meetings were conducted to allow stakeholders to learn more about the upcoming effort and provide comment on the proposed activities involving the Brandon Road site. Check out the Public Meetings page for a copy of the presentation and transcripts from the meetings.

The Brandon Rd Scoping Summary Report will be utilized by the GLMRIS Team to assess topics of interest in order to refine the scope of GLMRIS to focus on significant issues, as well as eliminate issues that are not significant from further detailed study.


As strategic control of ANS is a shared responsibility among federal, state, regional and public stakeholders, the GLMRIS Team will continue to collaborate with agency and nongovernmental partners to support an integrated management approach to control Mississippi River ANS transfer into the Great Lakes. In order to achieve the maximum effectiveness of an ANS control program, nonstructural measures, including biological, educational, and management controls, must be incorporated into any technological solution. This management strategy requires the close coordination of a variety of local, state and federal agencies to implement actions commensurate with their resources and authorities, toward achieving a comprehensive ANS solution.

Learn more about the Brandon Road Study Area.