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New and Improved "Contact Us" Page

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Do you work for BIS, EDA, ITA, MBDA, NTIA, or OS and need HR assistance from the DOC Human Resources Operations Center (DOCHROC)? Or are you an HR, safety or training professional within the Department? If the answer to either question is yes, then bookmark this link: http://hr.commerce.gov/ContactUs/index.htm.

The Office of Human Resources Management is pleased to present an improved “Contact Us” web page, which now features several ways to find the right person to talk to. You can search by alphabetical index, organization, or by program. If you work for a DOCHROC-serviced bureau, you can find the DOCHROC team that services you in the “HR Servicing Office Directory” under “DOCHROC.” If you are an HR, training, or safety professional at the bureau level, then simply look at the “Program Directory” under “OHRM Policy” to find the right expert for service and support. Or just print up our Organizational Chart to have all our contact numbers at your fingertips.

We look forward to talking to you!