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(2016-DEC-01 02:00 MST)  System: All  Subject: Turn on Fast Pay EDI/FTP edits   Action Required!  Critical!  Message For: All Users  

***Effective the weekend of January 7, 2017, the Wide Area Workflow (WAWF) iRAPT System will be updated to change the way Fast Pay Invoices are processed for EDI/FTP.  WAWF version 5.9 invokes a requirement to submit a Receiving Report with the Fast Pay Invoice.  This is a change to prior functionality, which did not require a Receiving Report at time of Invoice submittal.  Going forward, suppliers who submit EDI 810 (Invoice) transactions to WAWF will need to first submit an EDI 856 (Receiving Report) transaction or optionally submit an EDI 857 (Combo Invoice and Receiving Report) transaction.  Suppliers who choose to submit the Combo transaction should also be prepared to submit EDI 810 and 856 transactions in the event that either the invoice or receiving report fails and requires resubmission.***