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Returning the Tide

A Tidal Hydrology Restoration Guidance Manual for the Southeastern U.S.

Returning the Tide offers guidance to restoration practitioners and coastal resource managers who may not have familiarity with tidal hydrology restoration techniques. Unique features of the manual include the Project Portfolios and Toolkit. The Project Portfolios provide details on 13 real-world projects including background, results, and lessons learned. They also reference supporting documents such as actual budgets, scopes of work, designs, and permitting information to serve as examples.  The Toolkit section is a resource for restoration project planning and implementation. It is designed to be easy to use by providing checklists, agency contact information, example project documents, and bulleted to-do lists for every stage of project implementation.

Download full manual here (pdf, 16.8 MB)

Guidance Manual Chapters

The initial chapters of Returning the Tide provide detailed descriptions of, and suggestions for, each step of the restoration process from project identification, to contracting, to community involvement.


Project Portfolios

The Returning the Tide Project Portfolios are detailed case studies for projects throughout the Southeast region and beyond.  They include example budgets, scopes of work, designs, permitting information, and other useful project documents.



The Returning the Tide Toolkit provides useful hands-on checklists, agency contact information, example project documents, and bulleted “to-do” lists, that can be applied to the various stages of project planning and implementation.


Workshop Proceedings

Returning the Tide is an expansion on the Proceedings of a 2008 NOAA-hosted workshop promoting information exchange among experienced and potential practitioners of tidal hydrology restoration in the southeastern US.