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ESGF at Goddard Space Flight Center
You are at the ESGF.NCCS.NASA.GOV node

Welcome to the ESGF Node @ NASA/NCCS

The Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) maintains a global system of federated data centers that allow access to the largest archive of climate data world-wide. The ESGF Node at NASA/NCCS is focused on supporting NASA climate model datasets (CMIP5), NASA observational datasets (obs4MIPs), reanalysis datasets (CREATE-IP and ana4MIPs), and NASA downscaled datasets (NEX).  All datasets are specially prepared for easy comparison with CMIP model output or for reanalysis intercomparison (CREATE-IP). You can use this node as a starting point for searching and downloading observations that are stored throughout the federation, or you can start from any of the other Nodes and projects to download climate model output, reanalysis data, etc.


The NCCS ESGF site does not provide OpenID's.  Please go to the PCMDI site to request an OpenID.

CMIP Projects Hosted at the

Reanalysis Projects Hosted at the

  • CMIP5: Climate Model Intercomparison Project

  • Obs4MIPs: Observations for Climate Model Intercomparisons

  • Ana4MIPs:  Reanalysis Output for Climate Model Intercomparisons

  • NEX-GDDP:  NASA NEX Global Daily Downscaled Climate Projections (Coming soon)

  • NEX-DCP30:  NASA NEX Downscaled Climate Projections
  • CREATE-IP:  Collaborative REAnalysis Technical Environment - Intercomparison Project (CREATE-IP)

  • Ana4MIPs:  Reanalysis Output for Climate Model Intercomparisons


Last Update: Dec. 21, 2016, 12:05 p.m. by Julien Peters
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