Seining in a Stream with Partners. Credit: Brian Jonkers / USFWS

One plus one never equals three – except in the world of partnerships. When people work together to accomplish what they cannot do alone, this equation makes sense.

The mission of the Service is "working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people." The Service's ability to achieve this mission depends on partnerships. Throughout its storied history, the agency has been committed to a collaborative approach to conservation. Our strategy is to empower Americans to become citizen conservationists. The more the Service can empower people as stewards of the land, the more effective we can be in our conservation mission.

The Service works with other Department of the Interior bureaus, other Federal government agencies, and non-governmental entities and individuals to build a partnership-based approach to stewardship. Partnerships help us accomplish common goals because they:

  • Are part of our culture.
  • Combine individual strengths to accomplish missions.
  • Foster relationships, common goals and collaboration.
  • Build constituencies and broad-based community support.
  • Leverage resources to meet challenges and improve opportunities.

Although partnerships and partnering opportunities are found throughout the Service, many national partnerships are coordinated by the External Affairs Division of Partner and Intergovernmental Affairst (DPIA) . The office provides broad technical support for partnering with the Service, as well as coordination for two Federal Advisory Committee Act councils and two nonprofit organizations that are closely tied to the Service.


Doug Hobbs, Acting Chief, Division of Partners and Intergovernmental Affairs, Traditional Partner Liaison

Darin C. Schroeder, Partner and Intergovernmental Affairs Specialist

Kim Lambert, Environmental Justice Specialist, Enviromental Justice