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Look Up a ZIP Code™

You did not enter a valid company name.

You did not enter a valid address.

You did not enter a valid city.

You did not enter a valid state.

You did not enter a valid urbanization code.

You did not enter a valid ZIP Code™.

You did not enter a valid ZIP Code™.

Look up ZIP Codes™ for corporate and residential addresses.

ZIP Code by Address
Enter street address, city, and state to see a specific ZIP Code. Note:

  • A ZIP Code result does not confirm that a person or company is at that address.
  • If you searched for a company and did not get the results you expected, search again either without the company name or with a different version of the company name (e.g., full name or acronym).

ZIP Codes by City and State
Enter city and state to see all the ZIP Codes for that city.

* indicates either a city and state OR street address and ZIP
Code combination are required.

This tool can't confirm whether a company is actually located
at a given address.

Get a list of all the cities in a ZIP Code™.

Look up ZIP Codes™ by street address, city, and state. Or,
find all ZIP Codes within a city and state. Works for corporate and residential addresses.

You can also enter a street address and ZIP Code to get a
standardized version of the address.

* indicates either a city and state OR street address and ZIP
Code combination are required.

This tool can't confirm whether a company is actually located
at a given address.

Enter only English in all fields
