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2015 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey EMPLOYEES INFLUENCING CHANGE

A Message from the Director

In 2015, more than 400,000 employees participated in the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS). I am grateful for your willingness to devote your time to an undertaking so important to our goals of supporting excellence in government. Employee feedback on key performance metrics captured in the FEVS is singularly important to realizing OPM's mission to maintain and enhance our talented, engaged, and diverse Federal workforce. The feedback you provide enables each agency to develop effective strategies and tools for driving continuous improvement.

Agency leadership has actively responded to feedback from prior years and these enhanced efforts are clearly reflected in FEVS results. Compared with 2014, more employees in 2015 perceive their agency conditions as conducive to engagement, describe their workplaces as inclusive, and report satisfaction with their jobs. On a government-wide basis, the Employee Engagement Index increased by 1 percentage point; however, that seemingly modest increase is supported by broad-based improvements - 27 of the 37 large, independent agencies increased by 1 percent or more and 10 agencies increased by 3 percent or more.

Agency leaders and managers have responded to the President's Management Agenda on People and Culture by taking active steps to improve how employees engage with their jobs, organizations, and missions. Some examples I have seen as co-chair of the People and Culture plank include: better internal communication from leaders to employees, greater input from employees in how their agencies operate, increased training opportunities, and more explicit recognition for a job well done.

Results continue to indicate a highly motivated workforce -- over 90 percent of survey participants are willing to commit extra effort when necessary and consistently seek out ways to improve. Overall, scores on almost three-quarters of the survey items showed an increase government-wide from 2014 (53 of the 71 core items), and no items decreased.

Results also point to important topics to consider for improvement in the upcoming year. A number of occupations have been identified as critical to the achievement of agency missions, including IT specialists. When compared with other mission-critical occupations, items related to employee recruitment, development and retention are rated lower among IT specialists, suggesting an important focus for future strategic initiatives.

While there is work to do, together we are making a difference. The gains realized this year will continue to grow so long as all of us - leaders, managers, supervisors, and employees - focus on improving the way we work together at every level to improve performance. The FEVS continues to be essential to assessing our progress and pointing the way forward.

I personally want to thank you for your feedback, as well as your service and commitment to the American people and to your country. I am honored to work in the company of such talented, motivated, and hardworking people.

Beth F. Cobert
Acting Director
U.S. Office of Personnel Management