SARA : Service and Advice for Research and Analysis

NEW! If you are looking for the research opportunities for the NASA post doctoral program, or information about the transition of the program from ORAU to USRA please go to

NASA Science research and analysis (R&A) is composed of projects being conducted by scientists, engineers, and educators from NASA centers, universities, nonprofits, other Government laboratories, and for profit corporations all across the U.S. NASA Science solicits proposals for projects covering a very wide range of subjects and evaluates submissions by peer review.  Learn more about what opportunities exist, what projects were funded recently, or what fellowship programs are available.

 A full description of calls for proposals can all be found in the SMD omnibus solicitation called Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science (ROSES). ROSES, other solicitations, and community announcements are available on the solicitations page, including an RSS feed for the latest clarifications, corrections, and amendments to ROSES. Additionally, there are regular progress updates in the form of a letter from SARA.

Research program specific questions should be directed to the relevant program officer on the program officers list. However, if your question is of a more general nature or remains unresolved, please contact SARA.

To simplify the process for proposers, there is a "how to" guide  and useful links found in the library. Early career researchers are encouraged to volunteer to serve as a reviewer, either using the volunteer reviewer web forms or by sending an email to SARA.