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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   HIV/AIDS Housing
HIV/AIDS Housing
Who Needs HIV/AIDS Housing?

"The first step to better health is a roof over your head" -HOPWA Housing resident, Chicago

Stable housing allows persons living with HIV/AIDS to access comprehensive healthcare and adhere to complex HIV/AIDS drug therapies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than one million Americans are living with HIV/AIDS. Throughout many communities, persons living with HIV/AIDS risk losing their housing due to compounding factors, such as increased medical costs and limited incomes or reduced ability to keep working due to related illnesses.

Where Can Individuals Find Assistance?

Individuals looking for assistance can:

What is HUD Doing to Support HIV/AIDS Housing?

To address housing needs for low-income persons who are living with HIV/AIDS and their families, the Office of HIV/AIDS housing manages the Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) program.

The HOPWA program is the only Federal program dedicated to addressing the housing needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families. Grantees partner with nonprofit organizations and housing agencies to provide housing and support to these beneficiaries.

HOPWA funds are awarded as grants from two programs:

  • For the HOPWA Competitive Program priority is given to the renewal of expiring permanent supportive housing grants.
  • The HOPWA Formula Program uses a statutory method to allocate HOPWA funds to eligible States and cities on behalf of their metropolitan areas.
What Information Does HUD Provide?

HOPWA Appropriations, Allocations, and Awards - provides information on funds appropriated by Congress and how funds have been allocated to local communities.

Code of Federal Regulations Part 574 – Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS - provides the regulations under which HUD administers the HOPWA programs.

The HUD Exchange provides a hub for the latest HOPWA program resources,  updates and information, including tools and templates, research, evaluations, best practices, guides, training manuals, and FAQs, as well as:

  • Email Updates - To receive CPD communications about program policy, upcoming trainings, resources, reporting deadlines, technical assistance and more, sign up on the HUD Exchange Mailing List.
  • Training Opportunities - For information on upcoming events, self-paced online training, and recorded webinars, go to Training and Events.
  • Grantee Information - To view amounts awarded to organizations under HUD programs over the past several years, go to CPD Allocations and Awards. To learn more about the agencies and organizations that have received funding, visit About Grantees.
  • Performance Reports - To learn how the HOPWA program has been implemented and performed in prior years, visit HOPWA Performance Profiles.
  • Unanswered Policy or Technical Question? - If you are an organization with a HUD policy, program, or reporting-system question, submit your question and get a response through Ask A Question.
  • In-depth Advising - To request extended communication or long-term assistance available to CPD grantees, visit Technical Assistance.
How Can My Organization Receive Funds?

Organizations interested in becoming grantees can find HOPWA Eligibility Requirements on the HUD Exchange.

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