
Many job contacts are made through networking, and not necessarily all online. Be sure to go to as many in-person events, interviews, and job fairs as you can while you are searching for a job and even after you are employed.

Create a Network

Networking is utilizing the resources that you know to help you with your job search. Basically, talking to people about what kind of job you are looking for and in what industry.

This doesn’t mean you are asking your contacts for a job, but letting them know you are in the market. Your contacts may know potential employers.

Know your Objective

To start, think about your objective and what you want to say to your contacts and some questions you may have for them. Prepare an elevator speech:

Make a list

Begin listing the people that you know. They may not be job leads themselves, but may even know people in a particular industry.

Organize your contacts and start building this network by reaching out to your closest contacts until you become more comfortable. These may include immediate family and close friends, colleagues, teachers, parents of children’s friends, friends of friends, former coworkers or employers, etc.

Be sure to track your communications with a spreadsheet or notebook.

Be prepared

Make sure you have your resume and business cards prepared. You may be asked for them once you begin reaching out to your contacts.