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Developers may refer to the Asset Score API documentation.

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The Department of Energy Building Energy Asset Score (Asset Score) is a national standardized tool for evaluating the physical and structural energy efficiency of commercial and multifamily residential buildings. The scoring tool will store user-provided data and generate an asset score and system evaluation for your building envelope and mechanical and electrical systems. The tool will also identify cost-effective upgrade opportunities and help you gain insight into the energy efficiency potential of your building.

Follow the steps below to get started:

Collect Building Data: Use the Data Collection Form – either “Preview” or “Full” Input Mode versions (Short Form or Long Form) – to gather information about your building’s physical characteristics. Review the Data Collection Priority Map to help focus on the most important building data given your building’s use type and climate zone.

Enter Data: Register for an account, log in, create a building, and input the building data you have collected.

Receive an Asset Score Report: Select the "Score Building" button to generate a report that includes your Asset Score, building system evaluation, and potential energy savings upgrade opportunities.