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Welcome to CEQAnet, the online searchable environmental database of the State Clearinghouse within the Office of Planning & Research.

CEQAnet contains key information from all California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) documents submitted to the State Clearinghouse for state review since 1990. For information on documents submitted prior to 1990, email us at In addition, some federal National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documents are submitted to the Clearinghouse for state review; key information from these NEPA documents is also contained in this database.

The CEQAnet database provides summaries of Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs), Negative Declarations, Environmental Impact Statements, and other types of CEQA and NEPA documents. The summaries include the project title, project location, lead agency name, contact information, and project description. At this time, CEQAnet does not provide the full text of any environmental documents or notices.

Because not all environmental documents are submitted to the State Clearinghouse, CEQAnet is not a comprehensive database of all CEQA and NEPA documents in California.

OPR makes available information about notices of exemption, notices of preparation, notices of determination, and notices of completion to the public through CEQAnet (CEQA Guidelines Section 15023 (h)). The publishing of information on CEQAnet does not factor into when such notices were received and posted by the SCH. Once the information uploads to CEQAnet, the official SCH posting date is referred to as the "date received."

Disclaimer: Summaries of the notices may take several days to appear on CEQAnet. Again, the publishing of information on CEQAnet does not factor into when such notices were received and posted by the SCH. Contact the SCH for copies of an NOE or NOD that has been posted at OPR.

LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! Please let us know if you have questions or comments regarding this information service by e-mailing the State Clearinghouse at This is a brand new service; we expect to make refinements and improvements based on your input. Please let us know how to make this more user friendly.