NASA EarthПодлинная учетная запись


Your planet is changing, and we’re on it. NASA uses the vantage point of space to increase our understanding of Earth and improve lives.

Дата регистрации: март 2009 г.

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  1. 7 часов назад

    Two Earth science missions are also aboard. Here's how to watch their launch:

  2. 11 часов назад

    The Lightning Imaging Sensor will detect cloud-to-cloud, cloud-to-ground & intra-cloud lightning.

  3. 15 часов назад

    Temperature Records Fall in Australia

  4. 16 часов назад

    From its new home on the space station, SAGE III will monitor Earth's ozone levels & aerosols. It launches Saturday aboard 's .

  5. 20 часов назад
  6. 20 часов назад
  7. 16 февр.

    The latest in a series of ozone & aerosol instruments dating back 40 years, SAGE III launches on Saturday.

  8. 16 февр.

    El Niño is one of the most important weather-producing phenomena on Earth. Learn more

  9. 16 февр.

    We're doing snow science in support of our nation’s water supply

  10. 16 февр.
  11. 15 февр.

    Launching on Saturday, SAGE III on ISS will continue atmospheric research dating back over 40 years:

  12. 15 февр.

    Water in Greenland's Helheim Glacier works its way out to the ocean through a series of large cracks in the ice.

    New Pathway for Greenland Meltwater to Reach Ocean
    Crunchy granular snow called firn traps snow within the giant Helheim Glacier. New research looks at how this water gets to the ocean, confirming that the firn aquifer contributes to sea level rise.
  13. 15 февр.

    We're launching a sequel to a successful lightning study mission. Meet the Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS):

  14. 15 февр.

    January 2017 was the third warmest January in 137 years of modern record-keeping.

  15. 15 февр.

    Glacial “Aftershock” Spawns Antarctic Iceberg

  16. 14 февр.

    there are a lot of other planets out there, but only you make me feel like I'm home. XO planet

  17. 14 февр.

    ATom struggles to fly with some of the strongest winds in the world in their path:

  18. 14 февр.

    Here are a few satellite images of Earth we love. Can you point us to some of your favorites?

  19. 14 февр.

    Our SAGE III on ISS ozone/aerosol instrument launches to the space station soon. Its family tree is impressive:

  20. 14 февр.

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