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Postal Job Scams: Don't Fall for a Con Game

"The U.S. Postal Service is hiring for full-time and part-time employment. Hourly salaries start at $25 an hour. For employment information, call 1-800-555-5555."

Have you seen advertisements like this in your local newspaper? Postal Inspectors warn that if you should call these promoters for "employment information," you are probably going to very disappointed. In most instances, you will find that you are going to have to pay about $30 to receive information of very dubious value. The con artists may lead you to believe you are talking to someone from the U.S. Postal Service, but no postal jobs will be offered.

Frequently, the con artists promoting this "service" offer to provide you with training that they say will help you pass a required Postal Service pre-employment examination. Naturally, this training is expensive and requires you to purchase books, study guides and other training materials. Those who complete the promoter's training are often told by the scammers that they will be placed in Postal Service jobs. This produces further disappointment.

Other promoters advertise that they can guarantee that you will be placed on a U.S. Postal Service register of applicants from which new hires are selected. Postal Inspectors warn that such guarantees are false.

For accurate information about career opportunities or application requirements for the U.S. Postal Service, call your local postmaster. This information is free to the public.