The China Garden at the U.S. National Arboretum will offer a place to find peace, tranquility and classical Chinese culture in our nation’s capital. A joint project between the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the People’s Republic of China Academy of Forestry, the China Garden promises to become an important destination in Washington, D.C. As a living classroom, it will help to foster a better understanding of Chinese culture, provide research opportunities in Asian gardens and plants, and symbolize a commitment to continued friendship between the United States and China.

Set on 12 acres in the heart of the U.S. National Arboretum located in northeast Washington, D.C., the China Garden will welcome visitors to a perfect blend of nature, art and architecture unlike any other on the East Coast.

Find out more about the China Garden and its history to date here.

Explore the three distinct sections of the China Garden here.

Help us turn the China Garden from an extraordinary vision into reality by making your generous, tax-deductible donation here.

In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC), will be preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to analyze potential environmental impacts resulting from the proposed National China Garden on the grounds of the U.S. National Arboretum. Concurrently, under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, ARS and NCPC will also analyze the project’s potential effects on historic properties. The public is invited to attend a joint NEPA/Section 106 scoping meeting to learn more about the proposed project and provide comments that will help define the issues and alternatives to be analyzed.
For more details - See this Public Flyer here;
or the official Public Notice here.
For more information about the NEPA/Section 106 process -
see this letter.
For more information on the proposed project, please visit the National China Garden Foundation website at

Last Updated  May 14, 2015 6:49 PM