Welcome to Georgia Training Approval

Welcome to Georgia Training Approval!

Users and trainers who created accounts on the old Georgia Training Approval site can login using the same email address and password by clicking “Log in to your account” in the upper right-hand corner. Once you have logged in, the “My account” link in the upper right-hand corner will always bring you back to your account screen.

All of the general information on our website is organized into the five main categories in the blue bar above this text:

  • Find Training – Access the calendar to find scheduled approved trainings
  • Become an Approved Trainer – Information about the qualifications and application process for becoming an approved trainer in Georgia
  • Information for Approved Trainers – Information for currently approved trainers, such as what information should be listed on training certificates, how to become a CDA or director trainer, and how to renew your trainer designation
  • Conference Approval – Instructions and requirements for submitting a conference approval application
  • Resources – Clicking the main “Resources” heading will access a list of helpful documents from throughout the site. The drop-down menu includes various other resources for our site users, such as information about Quality Assurance, appeals, and career development for child care providers.

Hopefully you will find everything that you need here, but if you need assistance locating anything, please feel free to call us at 866-425-0220 or send us an email to TrainingApproval@georgiacenter.uga.edu