Strong Support for Forests and Fish

DNR works to promote forest health, productivity and sustainable wildlife and plant habitat. In addition to managing more than 2 million acres of forested state trust lands that provide revenue supporting public schools, state universities, and other trust beneficiaries, DNR enforces forest practices rules on more than 12 million acres of private, public and tribal forestland in Washington state. The department also administers programs to help landowners manage healthy and productive forests, reduce wildfire risks and protect and restore vital habitat for native plants and animals on their lands.

For landowners

  • Family Forest Fish Passage Program (FFFPP): Helps private forestland owners replace culverts and other stream-crossing structures that prevent trout, salmon, and other fish from reaching upstream habitat.
  • Rivers and Habitat Open Space Program: Purchases permanent conservation easements from private landowners with qualifying river channel areas and forest habitat critical for state threatened or endangered species on their lands.
  • Forestry Riparian Easements: Compensates eligible landowners in exchange for a 50-year easement on qualifying timber in logging-restricted areas on their lands.
  • Forest Stewardship Program: A federal-state program that provides family forest owners with advice and technical assistance to help them manage their lands more effectively.
  • Small Forest Landowner Office: Administers programs to provide technical and financial assistance to help small landowners manage healthy and productive forests.

For DNR-managed trust and other state lands

  • Aquatics Habitat Conservation: DNR works to improve and protect the long-term health of the 2.6 million acres of state-owned aquatic lands it manages, including navigable lakes, rivers, streams, and marine waters, such as Puget Sound.
  • Streams and Wetlands: DNR’s research and management activities help improve and protect the health of state-owned forests and trust lands, and the waters that flow through them.
  • Mature and Old Growth Forests: DNR conducts research into the composition, structure, and nature of forests in Washington state, that originated before European settlement of the area, as part of its duty to ensure viable habitat for native plant and animal species.