Language Access Complaints

Language Access Complaint Form

Language Access Complaint Process

The Victim Compensation Board's policy is to ensure that all persons, including those who are non or Limited-English Proficient, are provided equal access to services and information in compliance with the Dymally-Alatorre Bilingual Services Act. To do this, our goal is to provide vital forms and documents in the most frequently used languages, in addition to English. Your comments on this form will help us towards that goal. All information is confidential.

State departments are required to have information regarding their language-access complaint process and a complaint form posted in their public offices and available on the agency’s homepage. The complaint form is available above.

If a state department has not provided the customer with the requested translated materials or interpreter services, the customer can request to speak with a manager.

If a customer feels the state department is unable to assist or provide the requested language access, the customer can contact the California Department of Human Resources (CalHR) for further assistance. CalHR has established an informal language access complaint process that provides the public with the opportunity to bring their complaints to another resource should they feel they were not provided with adequate language services at one of California’s state departments. CalHR established the following toll-free telephone number to receive language access complaints: 1-866-889-3278.

This telephone number will connect the customer to a voice recorder where the customer will be able to leave a message explaining the details of their complaint.

The voice recordings contain instructions in the following languages:

If a customer does not speak one of the languages listed above, they must contact CalHR’s Bilingual Services Program at (916) 324-0970. The CalHR will attempt to identify the language the customer speaks and locate a qualified interpreter fluent in their native language.

If a customer is hearing impaired, they must contact the California Relay Services at 711 for assistance.