All acts passed during each session of the Kansas Legislature are published in the Session Laws of Kansas. The Kansas Secretary of State compiles and publishes the information as provided by the Legislature. The Session Laws also include veto and certain other messages from the governor, certain concurrent resolutions, executive reorganization orders approved, directories of certain officials, an index to bills and Session Laws chapters, a general index, and a list of statutes repealed or amended by the Kansas Legislature.

The Session Laws are published on July 1 each year. Bills may take effect upon publication in the Kansas Register if so specified in the bill, or upon publication in the statute book (July 1), or on a date specified in the bill. Upon filing in the Secretary of State's office, each bill is assigned a chapter number for the Session Laws. The Index of Bills and Session Laws Chapters is updated throughout each legislative session as final bills are filed with the Secretary of State.

For more information about Session Laws of Kansas, check out the FAQ page.

For purchasing information, contact the Elections/Legislative Matters Division at (785) 368-6356 or go to the order form online.

For additional information, contact Barb Dominguez at (785) 296-2114 or


To view Session Laws for years 2011 through 2015, use the drop down list below.

Archived Session Laws prior to 2011 can be found on the Kansas Legislature website.