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Would YOU like to HELP Governor Hogan Change Maryland for the Better?

How You Can Serve as a Consumer Member on a Maryland Department of Labor Board, Commission or Advisory Group

Here is your chance. A number of our boards and commissions are looking for volunteers to serve as consumer members to help with regulation and governance. This is an official appointment by the Governor. Service on a board, commission or advisory group affords you an opportunity to make a significant contribution to the protection of the citizens of Maryland. As a member, you may shape licensing examinations, establish a code of ethics, set practice standards, establish safety standards, establish consumer protections or participate in disciplinary proceedings against violators of practice laws and regulations.

Board of Barbers (1 opening)
Board of Cosmetologists (2 openings)
Board of Master Electricians (1 opening)
Board of Stationary Engineers (1 opening)
Board of Plumbing (1 opening)
Board of Public Accountancy (2 openings)
Real Estate Commission (1 opening)

Industry, Trade and Professional Members
Boards and commissions are composed of consumer members and registrants or licensees representing a specific regulated business occupation, profession or industry. Licensed practitioners interested in serving on a regulatory board are also encouraged to apply by filling out the application available on the Governor’s Appointments website. View an up-to-date listing of all appointments that are currently available.

Qualification Details
For details on the specific qualifications and requirements for all Department of Labor appointments including both consumer and practitioner seats, view the details for each board, commission or advisory group.

These positions are unpaid and typically require one day per month commitment. Apply today to help change Maryland for the better!

If you're interested, please visit the Governor's Appointments website and complete an online application.