Wildland Fire Leadership Development Program

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L-580 - Guiding Principles
March 2011

Mission Statement

The mission of the L-580 Steering Committee is to manage senior leader development opportunities for the National Wildfire Coordinating Group member agencies, by fostering the exchange of knowledge and experience in the art of leading organizations dealing with high-risk and complex incidents.

Guiding Principles for L-580 Leadership Is Action:

• The intent of the L-580 Leadership is Action program is to provide a variety of continuing education opportunities.

• L-580 design should link conceptually to the rest of the L-curriculum by reflecting the formally adopted leadership values, principles and concepts presented at the lower curriculum levels.

• L-580 design should complement other Incident Management Organization training. All L-580 events should be relevant for individuals who function as senior-level leaders and decision makers, including, but not restricted to, Agency Administrators and Incident Management Organizations (Type 1, Type 2, Area Command, and NIMO).

• L-580 events should provide an experience that addresses a variety of challenges and current issues that Incident Management Organizations and Senior Managers face.

• L-580 events should include benchmarking and collaboration with outside organizations.

• L-580 events should foster continuing personal and professional growth, in order to keep pace with current and future work force needs.

