Ongoing Projects

Agency websites display many of the substantive legal documents agencies generate in furtherance of their lawmaking responsibilities. Such documents include the binding orders and attendant materials (e.g., motions, briefs) produced during the course of agency adjudicative proceedings.


This project explores agencies’ use of administrative judges (AJs), which are used in hearings outside of those governed by the Administrative Procedure Act.  It studies the use of AJs across numerous agencies and offers recommendations on selection, supervision, evaluation, and removal practices.

This project seeks to better understand how agencies formulate and use guidance documents and how those documents affect agency personnel and outside stakeholders.  The project considers a range of agency programs and offers recommended best practices.

Office of the Chairman Project

A council for leaders in independent regulatory agencies, CIRA's goal is to provide a forum to discuss issues common to these agencies.  Because independent regulatory agencies are subject to limited OMB oversight, they have limited mechanisms for sharing information and solving common administrative problems.


The Conference is studying the use and incorporation of electronic case management in agency adjudication in order to make recommendations and share best practices.  Electronic case management is a comprehensive system that enables an agency to manage its adjudications for increased efficiency and access.

Office of the Chairman Project

This project is an examination of federal administrative adjudication that is not subject to the adjudicatory provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (i.e., non-APA adjudication) and takes the form of a sourcebook for agencies, Congress, the federal judiciary, and the public.  It draws on the Federal Administrative Adjudication project and database...

The Conference is studying marketable permit programs and other market-oriented tools that use economic incentives to promote regulatory goals. The aims of this project are to identify factors that weigh in favor of or against market-based systems and to provide guidance for agencies in developing and administering these programs. 

The Conference is studying agency use of negotiated rulemaking and other collaborative mechanisms to involve stakeholders in the process of crafting agency rules.

Office of the Chairman Project

The Office of the Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States has established a working group—the Model Adjudication Rules Working Group—to review and revise the Conference’s Model Adjudication Rules.


Public-private partnerships are increasingly common as a means for federal agencies to address complex challenges.  At the federal level, infrastructure public-private partnerships have been the subject of multiple studies and a presidential memorandum, but much less information is available on other forms of public-private partnerships.  Agency experience with public-private partnerships varies, and such partnerships involve novel and...
