Welcome to Labs.Data.gov, a repository of shared services to prototype and provide developer resources to government agencies. Each tool uses web services and lightweight, open source code to provide powerful functionality. Agencies are encouraged to improve any project and submit pull requests in order to share the improvements with others.

Catalog Validator

Validate the agency’s data.json file.


Dynamically generate RESTful APIs from static CSVs. Provides JSON, XML, and HTML.


Dynamically generate RESTful APIs from the contents of database tables or CSV files. Provides JSON, XML, CSV, and HTML output and autogenerated documentation. Supports most popular databases.


Turns a Database into a Secure, RESTful API.


PDF Filler is a RESTful service (API) to aid in the completion of existing PDF-based forms and empowers web developers to use browser-based forms and modern web standards to facilitate the collection of information.

Project Open Data Dashboard

The Project Open Data Dashboard helps track the status of each agency’s implementation of Project Open Data.

Simple API

Simple API is about empowering a controlled group with the ability to deploy simple APIs, without deploying any infrastructure. Users can select from a pre-defined set of API designs. Each API design lives as a Github repository and uses a JSON file as a data store. The API
design is generated using Swagger. Each repository contains a JSON data store, Swagger API definition and a home page to view and interact with API through its documentation.