Welcome to Investment Planning and Analysis!

On behalf of FAA's Investment Planning and Analysis organization, welcome to our web site! We have updated both content and design to keep pace with changing needs--ours and yours. We are the stewards of a process, but we are not ABOUT process. So this web site tries to strike a balance.

For those traversing FAA's investment analysis process, we have outlined that work flow and the standard products associated with it.

But the core product emanating from investment analysis is a business case, and the need for solid business cases extends beyond FAA's acquisition community and the strictures of its Acquisition Management System. So we aim, throughout this web site, to emphasize substance over process, with the goal of creating clear, content-rich, decision-driving business cases that could be useful in more than one context.

With our direct collaborators in FAA's acquisition community, this web site should enhance but not replace your day-to-day engagement with IP&A. Nuance is best delivered in person, and understanding it is critical in our ever-changing fiscal environment. We look forward to continuing to work with you, and we welcome your constructive comments on this site.

Katrina Hall

Director, Investment Planning & Analysis

Key Key Business Case Considerations

  • What is the problem that needs to be solved?
  • What is the range of alternatives that could address this problem?
  • What are the costs, benefits, and risks associated with each alternative?
  • Based on the above, what is the recommended course of action?

Investment Analysis Process

Here you will find all the details on how to construct a business case analysis. With flowcharts tailored to ACATs, this is a comprehensive and thorough guide to the investment analysis process.

Business Case - Context and Relevance

This link will take you to a discussion of what makes a good business case story. It's more than just writing a report. You have to know your story - and be able to tell it, convincingly, to others.


This section of our site highlights the strengths of our four divisions and those of the analysts that work there. You can also find program assignments and contact information for individual staff members here.

Business Case Tool Kit

The toolkit is the one place where all guidance, documents, templates and links to help build a buisness case are located.


With a robust training curriculum under construction, this section houses class descriptions, in-class training presentations, answers to in class exercises, and links to other important training websites.

Library and Links

If you can't find it anywhere else, try here. A list of all the documents, links, web pages, acronyms, and pop-ups used throughout the IP&A; website.