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Employee Job Codes

1. Executives, Officals, and Staff Assistants
2. Professional and Administrative
3. Maintenance of Way and Structures
4. Maintenance of Equipment and Stores
5. Transportation, Other Than Train and Engine
6. Trainsportation, Train and Engine
When an injury or illness is associated with an employee, the type of employee job code must be identified. Reference FRA Guide for Preparing Accident / Incident Reports - Appendix D.  Select the best code THAT identifies the individual’s occupational responsibilities.  This employee job CODE IS placed on form FRA Form F6180.55a, 5f.
Categories Form F6180.55a Item Entry Groups MS Excel Spreadsheet PDF Alpha Listing PDF Numeric Listing
All Job Codes codes
EXECUTIVES, OFFICIALS, AND STAFF ASSISTANTS 5f 100 Executives, Officials, and Staff Assistants (other)
101 Executives and General Officers
102 Corporate Staff Managers
103 Regional & Division Officers Assistants and Staff Assistants
104 Transportation Officers/Managers
codes codes codes
PROFESSIONAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE 5f 200 Professional and Administrative (other)
201 Professionals (other than those reported in 101 and 102
202 Sub-professionals
203 Auditors, Traveling Auditors
204 General & Administrative Supervisors
205 Sales & Traffic Representatives & Agents
206 Freight and Other Claims Agents and Investigators 207 Supervising & Chief Claim Agents
208 Lieutenants & Sergeants of Police
209 Police Officers, Watcher and Guards (Except Crossing and Bridge).
210 Inspectors (Except Maintenance of Way & Equipment), Other Investigators, Examiners, Instructors, and Other Agents (Except Station Agents).
211 Buyers, and Sales Agents
212 Clerical Technicians and Clerical Specialists
213 Office Machine and Data Equipment Operators
214 Secretaries, Stenographers, and Typists.
215 General and Other Clerks (excluding yard clerk and crew dispatcher)
216 Telephone & Switchboard Operators 217 Building & Office Attendants
218 Messengers & Office Persons
219 Motor Vehicle Operators
codes codes codes
MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND STRUCTURES 5f 300 Maintenance of Way and Structures
301 Supervisors, Maintenance of Way, Structures, Communication & Signals
302 Maintenance of Way, Structures, Communication and Signals, and Scale Inspectors
303 Bridge and Building Gang Foreman
304 Bridge and Building Carpenters
305 Bridge and Building Ironworkers
306 Bridge and Building Painters
307 Masons, Bricklayers, Plasterers, and Plumbers
308 Bridge and Building Helpers and Apprentices
309 Bridge and Building Gang and Bridge and Building Dept. Laborers
310 Track Gang Foreman (Extra Gang work train laborers)
311 Gang or Section Foreman
312 Extra Gang Laborers
313 Section Laborers
314 Machine Operators
315 Gang Foreman, Communications
316 Signalmen & Signal Maintainers
317 Linemen, Ground men, and Communications Craftsman
318 Assistant Signalmen and Assistant Signal Maintainers
319 Signalman Helper, Signal Maintainer Helper.
320 Camp Car Cooks
codes codes codes
MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT AND STORES 5f 400 Maintenance of Equipment and Stores (Other)
401 Supervisors and General Foremen, Maintenance of Equipment
402 Supervisors and General Foremen, Materials and Stores
403 Equipment, Shop, Electrical Inspectors
404 Materials and Supplies Inspectors
405 Storekeeper
406 Gang Foremen, Maintenance of Equipment
407 Blacksmith
408 Boiler makers
409 Carmen (Freight)
410 Carmen (Other)
411 Electrical Workers (A)
412 Electrical Workers (B)
413 Electrical Workers (C)
414 Machinists
415 Sheet Metal Workers
416 Skilled Trades, Helpers, Maintenance of Equipment and Stores
417 Apprentices, Maintenance of Equipment and Stores
418 Coach Cleaners
419 Laborers: Shops, Engine houses, and Power Plants
420 Gang Foreman, Materials and Stores
421 Equipment Operators and General Laborers, Materials and Stores
422 Stationary Engineers
423 Stationary Fireman
codes codes codes
TRANSPORTATION, OTHER THAN TRAIN AND ENGINE 5f 500 Transportation, Other Than Train and Engine (others) Yardmaster & Asst. Yardmasters
501 Transportation Supervisor and Chief Train Dispatcher
502 Train Dispatchers
503 Station, Freight and Passenger Agents
504 Chief Operators and Wire Chiefs
505 Clerk Operators, Tower men, Train Directors
506 Station Masters and Asst., Supervising Baggage Agents, Baggage Agents and Asst.
507 Baggage, parcel Room and Station Attendants
508 General and Assistant General Foremen, Stations, Warehouses, Grain Elevators, and Docks
509 Gang Foremen, Stations, Warehouses, Grain Elevators and Docks
510 Grain Elevator and Dock Laborers
511 Station and Warehouse Laborers
512 Truckers (Station, Warehouse and Platforms)
513 Food and Lodging Manager, Supervisors
514 Transportation and Dining Service Inspectors
515 Waiters and Kitchen Helpers (Restaurant and Dining Car)
516 Chefs and Cooks (Restaurant and Dining Car)
517 Marine Officers and Workers and Shore Workers
518 Train Attendants
519 Bridge Operators and Helpers
520 Bridge and Crossing Flagman & Gateman
521 Yard Clerks
522 Crew Dispatchers
523 Yardmaster & Asst. Yardmasters
codes codes codes
TRANSPORTATION, TRAIN AND ENGINE 5f 600 Transportation, Train and Engine (other)
601 Switch tenders
602 Car Retarder Operators and Ground Service Employees
603 Outside Hostlers
604 Outside Hostler Helpers
605 Inside Hostlers
606 Road Passenger Conductors
607 Asst. Road Passenger Conductors and Ticket Collectors
608 Road Freight conductors(Through Freight)
609 Road Freight conductors(Local and Way Freight)
610 Lead Passenger Baggage Person
611 Lead Passenger Brakemen and Flagmen
612 Road Freight Brakemen and Flagmen (Through Freight)
613 Road Freight Brakemen and Flagmen (Local and Way Freight)
614 Yard Conductors and Yard Foremen
615 Yard Brakemen and Yard Helpers
616 Road Passenger Engineers and Motormen
617 Road Freight Engineers (Through Freight).
618 Road Freight Engineers (Local and Way Freight).
619 Yard Engineers
620 Road Passenger Firemen and Helpers
621 Road Freight Firemen and Helpers, (Through Freight)
622 Road Freight Fireman and Helpers, (Local and Way Freight)
623 Yard Firemen and Helpers
630 Remote Control Locomotive Operator-Operating
631 Remote Control Locomotive Operator – Not Operating
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All Job Codes codes