CERC Science Topic: Ozark Highlands

Jacks Fork River, MissouriOzark waterfall    CERC is active with several research studies in the Ozark Highlands, a unique ecoregion that reaches into Missouri, Arkansas and Oklahoma. 
    The Ozark Highlands is home to many endemic terrestrial and aquatic species, not only important ecologically, but is a strong economic base for many communities. These highlands are one of the most biologically diverse landscapes on earth. Forests, glades, prairies, streams, caves, springs and fens that hold habitats and species found nowhere else on the planet. CERC recognizes this ecoregion as a critical natural resource and works with partners to provide needed information and strategies for the management of this valued area.Woodland crayfish (juvenile)

Ozarks Partnership web http://ozarks.cr.usgs.gov/ 

CERC Research in the Ozarks (fact sheet)

The Promise Continues (You Tube)
"Much of the beauty and biological diversity of the Missouri Ozarks is a direct result of cutting-edge conservation efforts by the Missouri Department of Conservation, which is celebrating its 75th year in 2012. View this short film documentary for an historic perspective, featuring many Ozark successes."
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