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SMCD shieldBob Kuligowski

Satellite Meteorology and Climatology Division

Environmental Monitoring Branch
Research Scientist

Publications and Research Identifiers

To view Dr. Kuligowski's complete list of publications, visit the research identifier accounts listed below:


Bob Kuligowski photoBob Kuligowski received a B.S. degree in Meteorology from Penn State University in 1991. Following three years as an operational weather forecaster at Accu-Weather, Inc., he returned to Penn State for graduate work, receiving his M.S. in Meteorology in 1996. To enhance his background in hydrology, he then switched to the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Penn State for his Ph.D., which was completed in 2000. His primary research interest is in estimating and predicting precipitation, as evidenced by his Master's work on using artificial neural networks to predict short-term precipitation from recent observations, and his Ph.D. work on assimilating satellite-based sounding estimates into a mesoscale numerical weather prediction model to improve fine-scale precipitation forecasts.

Bob has been a Meteorologist at NOAA/NESDIS/STAR since November 1999 and performs research and development on satellite-based rainfall estimation and nowcasting tools.

Algorithm Development:

  • Developed the Self-Calibrating Multivariate Precipitation Retrieval (SCaMPR), which retrieves rain rate estimates using infrared data from geostationary satellites for flash flood applications; calibration is automatically updated in real time using microwave- based rainfall rate estimates as target data. This algorithm has been running experimentally over the United States since November 2004 and a version of it will be the next-generational rainfall rate algorithm for GOES-R. Recent improvements include a correction for subcloud evaporation, and additional improvements are currently being tested.
  • Improving Ensemble Tropical Rainfall Potential (eTRaP), which predicts 0-24h rainfall for tropical systems by extrapolating satellite-estimated rainfall along the official forecast storm track for an ensemble of satellite sensors and forecast tracks. Additional sensors are being added to the ensemble, and the orographic correction from the Rainfall Climatology and Persistence (R-CLIPER) model is also being added to the ensemble members.


International Collaboration:

  • Collaborating with the Hydrologic Research Center to provide satellite-derived rainfall rates as input to a Global Flash Flood Guidance system which provides forecasts of flash flood potential.
  • Co-chairing the Flood Pilot of the Committee on Earth Observing Satellites (CEOS) Working Group on Disasters, which will be conducting several demonstration projects to improve the connection between producers and potential users of flood-related satellite data.

E-mail: vog.aaon@ikswogiluK.boB

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