U.S. Senator George Voinovich
United States Senator, Ohio
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September 15, 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senator George V. Voinovich (R-OH), a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, recently delivered the following statement on the expansion of the NATO alliance, marking a historic step forward for the people of Croatia and Albania. 

“Since my time as mayor of Cleveland and throughout my career in the Senate, I have fought for NATO enlargement as a way to advance our own national security, and the security and stability of the world,” Sen. Voinovich said. “Croatia and Albania can make an important contribution to our Alliance. The efforts and success of these countries demonstrates to other countries in the Balkans and beyond that NATO's door remains open to nations willing to shoulder the responsibilities of membership.

In 2003, Sen. Voinovich played a key role in the expansion of NATO membership to include Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Sen. Voinovich continues to fight to ensure that the door to NATO remains open for all European democracies seeking to join the Transatlantic Alliance.

Please see below for the full text of the statement:

SEPTEMBER 10, 2008

Mr. Chairman, today’s hearing on the expansion of the Transatlantic Alliance marks a historic step forward for the people of Croatia and Albania.

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my personal and deep congratulations to Croatia and Albania on their respective invitations to join NATO. 

Croatia and Albania have come a long and successful way from their first public expression to join the Alliance in 1994, through their completion of the Partnership for Peace program, and their respective achievements in the Membership Action Plan. 

This invitation signifies NATO’s confidence that Croatia and Albania will be strong partners for collective security in the world.  These two democracies have consistently demonstrated their genuine desire for peace and security in both Southeast Europe and beyond, and their maturity in undertaking the necessary political, military, and security reforms required by the Alliance.  In short, their active cooperation with NATO since 2002 has finally earned the reward it deserves.

Croatia has proven itself to be a valued friend and partner of the United States.  It is a leader in the cause of freedom.  Several hundred Croatian soldiers, diplomats, and military police officers have worked within the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan.  Croatia has also provided vital logistical support for NATO-led operations in Kosovo, and for the training and equipment provided to help achieve peace and security in Iraq. 

We are also grateful for Albania’s support of our joint efforts towards peace and stability throughout the world.  Albania has proven itself to be a trusted ally for our country as seen with the establishment of its logistics support command center in Tirana, its peacekeeping operations in Kosovo, and its military and medical personnel deployed in Afghanistan.

NATO enlargement is essential towards advancing freedom, stability, and democratic values throughout Europe.  Croatia and Albania serve as two more examples of countries motivated by the prospect of NATO membership to advance significant and difficult political, economic, and military reforms. Their efforts and success demonstrate to other countries in the Balkans and beyond that NATO's door remains open to nations willing to shoulder the responsibilities of membership.

It is my dream to see all of the countries of Southeast Europe in NATO and the European Union. Working together to achieve this vision, we can bring about a new and hopeful history for all of Europe.

Mr. Chairman, I urge the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to report favorably – and for the Senate to expeditiously approve – the Protocols to the North Atlantic Treaty of 1949 on the Accession of the Republic of Albania and the Republic of Croatia.

Thank you.

-- END --


September 2008 Press Releases

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