
Cover of an EETD report and the pronunciation of the word energy.

What you can do here: Find resources to make homes and businesses more energy-efficient, EETD contacts for the news media, links to energy efficiency software developed by EETD researchers, a listing of upcoming seminars, links to external information sources and image libraries about energy efficiency and environmental research, and a glossary of energy terms.


Energy & Environmental Information

  • For consumers—how to make homes and businesses more energy efficient.
  • For professionals—energy efficiency and indoor air quality in buildings.
  • For students—links to EETD energy evaluation tools useful in the classroom and external sources of curriculum materials.
  • For news media—EETD news media contacts listed by area of expertise, and popular articles about EETD research.


Berkeley Lab's Environmental Energy Technologies Division (EETD) welcomes inquiries from the news media. Our press releases and media advisories are distributed through Berkeley Lab's Public Affairs Department. You can read recent press releases covering EETD research on energy efficiency and the environment here.


Download LBNL research reports by Environmental Energy Technology Division scientists.


Download free and nominal cost software to assist professionals in designing efficient buildings and evaluate energy savings and greenhouse gas reductions from projects.


A listing of upcoming seminars in the Environmental Energy Technologies Division.

Energy Crossroads

A large list of links to energy information resources all throughout the Web.

Images Resources

Libraries of images related to energy, buildings, and the environment maintained by other institutions and available for free or nominal-fee use.


The U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy provides a glossary of commonly encountered terms.