Business Links | Health & Medicine | Science

graph Business Links

National Association for the Self-Employed:

NASE gives small-business owners news and resources, legislative advocacy and membership benefits such as affordable health insurance, discounted business supplies and scholarships.

Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE):

Non-profit association providing free counseling and low-cost workshops to small businesses throughout the United States. The site includes a learning center, newsroom and guide to local SCORE chapters.


an index of international business resources available by countries or governments, Includes statistics, and news sources. Provided and maintained by CIBER, the Center for International Business Education and Research at Michigan State University.

Consumer-oriented banking news, analysis, comparisons of current rates and fees and other information.

EDGAR Database:

Database for U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission filings required for publicly traded companies.

Big Charts:

Interactive online charting service giving free and unlimited access to charts, reports, indicators, and current and historical quotes on 22,700 U.S. stocks, mutual funds, and major market indices.

The Motley Fool:

Investing information and an enjoyably useful site. Updated hourly.

Yahoo! Finance:

Personal finances, investing tips, and news.

American Stock Exchange:

The second largest options exchange in the world. Trades equity, index, sector and FLEX options. Contains product information, marked data and educational content.

Chicago Mercantile Exchange:

CME is the largest U.S. futures exchange, and by most measures, the most diversified and innovative global financial services marketplace.


Detailed market and security information for the Nasdaq "Over the Counter" stock exchange. Also includes portfolio tracking, IPO information, stock screening and a customizable ticker.

New York Stock Exchange:

The NYSE lists close to 2,800 companies. Search the directory by company name, industry or region to learn more about individual companies, including trading information.

National Job Search Services

Local Job Search Services

These services allow the user to post a resume, search job postings by location, keyword or industry. Articles on interview techniques and other career building resources are also available.

Science Links


Contains abstracts to articles in many science disciplines. Includes peer-reviewed journals as well as scientific Web sites. Available anywhere.

NTIS (National Technical Information Services):

provides access to more than 3 million scientific, technical, engineering, and related business information produced by our for the U.S. government and complementary material from international sources.

First Gov for Science:

Collection of information provided by U.S. government agencies, including research and development results.

SciCentral - News:

Science portal which includes breaking news from scientific journals, universities and government sources.

Eric Weisstein's Treasure Troves of Science:

Online encyclopedias of astronomy, math, physics, scientific biographies and scientific books, with many equations and formulas.

PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway:

PSIgate provides access to evaluated network based information services and resources in the physical sciences.

Hypography Sci-Tech:

A guide to science links and technology news on the internet.

Nearctica: The Natural History of North America:

comprehensive site including education, natural history, conservation, environment, ecology, evolution, geology, paleontology, and systematics.

Virtual Library - Science:

Directory of the Virtual Library, an expert-run catalog of sections of the internet, which is particularly strong in science topics.

Last Updated: October 13, 2007