Office of Thrift Supervision

Corporate Governance

Boards of directors play essential roles in OTS-regulated institutions and the communities they serve. Board members establish corporate values for the board, thrift managers and employees. They should be guided by four principles: Integrity, Independence, Involvement - but not Interference.

Director Reich Video - Hear what Director Reich has to say about bank directors' responsibilities.

Seminars for Directors

Register for Director's Checkup - The OTS is holding series of seminars for directors in 2008. Dates are set for Atlanta, San Francisco, Philadelphia and Columbus, OH. We will discuss best practices and address important, relevant issues facing the thrift industry.

Midwest Region Agenda - New Orleans - September 18, 2008

Resources for Directors

Directors' Guide to Responsibilities - Covers topics such as selecting and retaining competent management, establishing a thrift's objectives and strategies, establishing policies and procedures to achieve those objectives, identifying and understanding associated risks, monitoring and assessing the progress of operations and ensuring the institution's compliance with laws and regulations. - 38 pages - 197 KB

Directors' Guide to Management Reports - Explains management reports commonly used by thrifts. Also helps directors exercise their oversight duties and responsibilities. - 57 pages - 249 KB

Contact OTS

1700 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20552
Phone (202) 906-6000 | E-mail

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