FTC E-Filing Registration Form

Registration Form (* denotes required field)

First Name:*
Last Name:*
Name of Law Firm or Employer:* If Internal Counsel, indicate employer. If self, indicate your full legal name.
   Phone Number:*   -  Ext:    
Phone and Fax should have format like: 111-111-1111
   If you have a fax number, please provide.
Fax Number:
  E-Mail Address:*
  Confirm E-Mail Address:*
Alternate E-Mail Address:
   Requested User Name:* User Name must be between 8 to 16 characters, and can only contain alpha-numeric characters. This User Name will be used for future login to the E-Filing System.
  Password:* Password must be between 12 and 16 characters. 3 of the 4 following must be used: uppercase alphabetic, lowercase alphabetic, numeric, symbols (click here for examples)
Confirm Password:*
The information in this box will be used to verify your identity in cases of a forgotten password. You may select any three (3) questions to answer. If you answer more than three questions, only the first three answered will be used. Select those questions that you feel most comfortable answering and for which you can most easily remember the answers.
All answers are case sensitive.
What was your first pet's name?
What street did you live on when you were eight years old?
 What is the first name of your childhood best friend?
In what city did your mother and father meet?
What was the name of the first band or singer that you saw in concert?
In what town was your first job?
 What was the first name of your first college roommate?
What was the first name of your senior prom date?
 What was the make and model of your first car?
 What was the last name of your first grade teacher?

All users are required to agree and sign this Rules of Behavior policy prior to being granted Registered User access. Click here to view and sign Rules of Behavior form.
  By clicking "Accept", you certify that the above information is correct and that you want to register with the FTC E-Filing System. Click here for Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.