Leap Frogs - U.S. Navy Parachute Team Official Website


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The United States Navy Parachute Team, commonly known as the Leap Frogs, is the parachute demonstration team of the United States Navy. It consists of an all volunteer team of active-duty personnel drawn from Naval Special Warfare (NSW), including Navy SEALs, Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewmen (SWCC) and support personnel. The team is sanctioned by the Department of Defense and recognized by the Federal Aviation Administration.


After performances, the Leap Frogs enjoy signing autographs and making themselves available to answer questions about what it's like to be a Navy SEAL or SWCC.


A typical demonstration begins with a streamer pass to give jumpers an indication of wind speed and direction. A jumper may perform an "early burn" by activating a smoke grenade attached to a foot bracket. This indicates the jumpers are preparing to exit the aircraft. The team then exits the aircraft and each member deploys their distinctive blue and gold parachute at a different altitude to create vertical separation for a safe opening.


Many jumpers often activate smoke grenades during freefall flight to make it easier for spectators to see them at sometimes 12,500 feet above ground level. Once under canopy, the jumpers maneuver toward each other to create various formations. Members may deploy a flag, depending on the venue, and the last jumper to land typically trails an American flag. Once on the ground, the team usually presents a memento to a distinguished person.








MC1 Fletcher Gibson

Public Affairs
Leap Frogs - U.S. Navy Parachute Team

E: leapfrogspao@gmail.com
T: (619) 537-2025
F: (619) 537-2023

U.S. Navy Parachute Team
2000 Trident Way
Building #624
San Diego, CA 92155







The primary mission of the Navy Parachute Team is to demonstrate professional Navy excellence by performing precision aerial maneuvers throughout the United States in support of Navy public outreach. Its secondary mission is to support Naval Special Warfare air operations training.


The Leap Frogs travel the United States performing for public audiences at venues ranging from small, civic events such as high school football games, city festivals, Navy Weeks and nationally televised events such as National Football League (NFL) and Major League Baseball (MLB) games and international air shows. The team travels approximately 250 days per calendar year and uses various military aircraft as both their primary mode of transportation and jump platform.







The Leap Frogs represent NSW and the United States Navy, and therefore, applicants must go through a rigorous tryout cycle to evaluate their suitability for the team. In order to qualify as a jumper on the Leap Frogs, applicants must be military freefall qualified, be serving on at least their second enlistment, have completed at least two operational deployments and be recommended by their chain of command.


Positions on the team are typically held for three consecutive years. At the end of their tenure, Sailors will either rotate back to their respective team or they may request to stay with the jump team for an extended period or a consecutive tour.


The United States Navy Parachute Team is part of the United States Naval Special Warfare Command (NSW), headquartered at Naval Amphibious Base Coronado, in San Diego, California. The team is composed of approximately 10 personnel including Navy SEAL and SWCC operators, a parachute rigger, a corpsman, a mass communication specialist and a civilian safety officer. The team is commanded by a Navy officer, usually a Navy SEAL, who typically has the most time and experience performing demonstration parachute jumps. The remainder of the active-duty component is made up enlisted personnel.





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