Welcome to the Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program
Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program Balancing Resource Use and Conservation

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Wildlife Activities

      Research and Monitoring

Monitoring and Research activities will ensure that the conservation measures are being met, that the program receives habitat credit, and that the program can move forward with adaptive management, making habitat better and better for these species. Types of monitoring and research include: species research, system monitoring, and post-development monitoring.

Species Research:  The species research addresses information gaps in the knowledge of the life history and habitat requirements of covered and evaluation species that is necessary for directing the successful establishment and management of created habitats.

These links provide more information on our species research activities:

System Monitoring:  The system monitoring determines the ongoing status of covered species and their habitats in the LCR MSCP planning area.

These links provide more information on our system monitoring activities:

Post-Development Monitoring: The post-development monitoring determines the progress of habitat creation and management towards achieving the Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) biological goals and to collect information necessary to assess the efficacy of habitat creation designs and habitat management prescriptions.

These links provide more information on our post-development monitoring activities:

Updated October 16, 2012