Transportation Safety

The NTSB is an independent agency charged with determining the probable cause of transportation accidents and promoting transportation safety. The NTSB investigates accidents, conducts safety studies, evaluates the effectiveness of other government agencies' programs for preventing transportation accidents, and reviews the appeals of enforcement actions involving aviation and mariner certificates issued by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), as well as the appeals of civil penalty actions taken by the FAA.

The help prevent accidents, the NTSB develops safety recommendations based on its investigations and studies. These are issued to federal, state, and local government agencies and to industry and other organizations in a position to improve transportation safety. Recommendations are the focal point of the NTSB's efforts to improve the safety of the nation's transportation system.

Most Wanted List

The NTSB's Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements highlights safety-critical actions that the DOT modal administrations, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the States need to take to help prevent accidents and save lives. Following are decription areas that were added to the Most Wanted List. See all Issues >.

Safety Advocacy

Child and Youth Transportation Safety

The NTSB Child and Youth Transportation Safety Initiative will promote child occupant safety in all modes of transportation with a focus on educating parents and caregivers about ways to keep children safe when traveling. read more>


Safety Recommendations

Safety recommendations are issued by the NTSB following the investigation of transportation accidents and the completion of safety studies. Recommendations usually address a specific issue uncovered during an investigation or study and specify how to correct the situation. Letters containing the recommendations are sent to the organization best able to address the safety issue, whether it is public or private. Learn More >

Safety Alerts

Take action to improve your safety and the safety of your family and friends by following the suggestions in these NTSB Safety Alerts. NTSB Safety Alerts provide safety information you can use, and urge you to encourage lawmakers to improve safety at the State level. Read more >

Safety Studies & Statistics

Highlighted Aviation Statistics

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