NASA's Juno MissionCompte verificat


Trekking to Jupiter to improve our understanding of the planet’s origins and the formation of planetary systems everywhere.

Arriving at Jupiter 7.4.2016
Unit: gener de 2009

@NASAJuno està blocat

Segur que vols veure aquests tuits? No es desblocarà @NASAJuno per mirar-te'ls.

  1. Calling all educators! My record-setting achievement translates into a lesson:

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  2. Where no solar-powered spacecraft has gone before. Find out how I'm going the distance:

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  3. Are we there yet? 64 million miles to go till I arrive at Jupiter. Status update:

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  4. Eureka! Galileo discovered three moons orbiting Jupiter on Jan 7, 1610.

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  5. Retuitat per

    Jupiter rising. Watch the moon and Jupiter rise in your early morning sky. More info:

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  6. Time flies! Today celebrates 15 years since its closest approach to Jupiter.

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  7. Hey citizen scientists! We're prepping for great images of Jupiter, but we need your help.

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  8. To Jupiter and beyond. in 1973 Pioneer 10 flew past Jupiter, paving the way for outer solar system exploration.

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  9. Hello, can you hear me? Juno is 522 million miles away. Data take 47 minutes to reach Earth

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  10. Mileage milestone! Juno is now less than 1 AU from Jupiter (1 AU = average distance between Earth and the Sun).

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  11. Science On Demand: Catch a recording of yesterday’s Juno mission to public talk:

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada
  12. Find out how Juno will unlock ’s mysteries. Live public talk this Thursday, Nov. 5:

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    Imatge d'enllaç permanent incrustada

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