
Kim and Marissa
David Manlove's Story

This is a story about a boy...in many ways just your typical high school boy. Growing up David was warmly affectionate, respectful but mischievous, fun seeking, daring, always willing to take a risk. He made friends easily, joined the Cub Scouts, was a conscientious student. Athletically talented, David enjoyed all manner of sports. He particularly excelled in baseball, played on a Little League champion team that went undefeated when he was 9 years old, and carried his love of and talent for the game on through to high school. A popular young man, David displayed a humility and compassion for others that attracted friends from all circles.

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Inside DEA

The men and women of DEA aren't just drug enforcement agents—we're parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. We've seen how drugs rob young people of their promise and dreams, and how entire families are affected by a child's drug abuse...

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