You burn it, you breathe it.

Everyone is at risk

-You, your family, your pets, your neighbors, your community

Wood Smoke Contains Harmful Substances

-Gases and tiny particulate matter (PM2.5)
-Benzene, Formaldehyde, Acrolein, Methane,  Acetaldehyde, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Wood Smoke Can Affect You

-During stagnant wind periods
-During wintertime inversions
-Air Quality Advisories
-Visibility Guides

Smoke can end up anywhere

-Indoors or outdoors
-Places where people play, work, and live

Limit Your Exposure

-Wood Smoke Health Impacts
-Stay indoors
-Keep away from smoky areas
-Switch to different heat sources when the air is bad
-Talk to your physician about any concerns